
The fee for a legal service provided by a lawyer is usually determined by an agreement (contractual fee) between the lawyer and the client, depending on the legal and time requirements of provided services. By agreement between the client and the lawyer, the remuneration may be set as a time, legal act, flat-rate or share fee.

Contractual time fee

The contractual time fee is a fee where the client pays the lawyer the agreed fee according to the number of hours of legal service.

Flat-rate contractual fee

The flat-rate contractual fee is suitable for clients who have a regular need for legal services to a certain stable extent. We offer these clients the possibility to pay for legal services with a flat fee, i.e. an agreed fixed amount paid regularly (e.g. monthly). The flat-rate contractual fee brings the client the advantage of predictability and a stable amount of expenses for legal services even in situations in which the client would otherwise be exposed to the need to bear substantially higher costs of legal services due to the higher need for legal services in a given period.

Contractual share fee

Contractual share fee is a remuneration which is determined by agreement of the parties as a share according to the result of the case (i.e. as a percentage of the claim granted). In addition to the fee, the client is charged cash expenses associated with the provided legal service (e.g. travel allowances, court and administrative fees, etc.)

Contractual legal act fee

The contractual legal act fee is kind of remuneration determined according to the number of the acts of legal service performed in a specific matter. The acts of legal service are set out in the lawyer's tariff, these are, for example, taking over and preparing a legal representation, writing a contract, filing a lawsuit, writing an appeal, participating in a court proceeding, negotiation with a client exceeding one hour, etc.

If the fee is not agreed between the client and the lawyer, the amount of non-contractual fees is governed by the Decree of the Ministry of Justice No. 177/1996 Coll., On lawyer's fees and compensation for the providing of legal services (lawyer's tariff), as amended.

Mgr. Petr Šívara is a VAT payer, i.e. the price of legal services will be increased by the value-added tax in the amount valid on the date of the claim to the price of legal services arises.

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